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Ministry of Education

Recommended Universities Slides

Dear Parents of Grade 12 students,

Your son/daughter attended a lecture given by a representative from the Ministry of Education to advise them on how to ensure that the university that he/she decides to enroll is in accredited. 
Please find attached a copy of the presentation in English.
You will also find a digital copy of the guidelines in Arabic.
Should you wish to contact them, please find their information below:


قسم معادلة


الشهادات الأجنبية

مبنى خدمات المراجعين مدينة عيسى


Foreign Academic

Credentials Department




Google Plus
هذه الرسالة تم إرسالها إلى circulars@ikns.edu.bh من قبل circulars@ikns.edu.bh
P.O.Box 20511, Manama, Bahrain., Isa Town, Isa Town Isa Town, Bahrain

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